Why Is My Lefant Vacuum Blinking Red & How To Solve It?

Some Lefant vacuum users think why is my lefant vacuum blinking red? Does it is a severe problem? Can you solve it yourself?

I know there are plenty of questions surrounding in your mind. Well, I also face these issues while I am using the vacuums newly.

Lefant is the most popular robot vacuum cleaner, which not only provides you with a deep cleaning experience but is also very famous for its automatic features.

Sometimes, some users face the red light blinking issue on their Lefant vacuum cleaner. Well, in this blog post, I will share with you why is my lefant vacuum blinking red? and what steps you take to solve this issue.

Let’s start the guide.

Why Is My Lefant Vacuum Blinking Red

  1. Damage Part Issue
  2. Full Storage Tank Issue
  3. Low Charge
  4. Filter Issue
  5. Dirty And Damaged Sensor

Damage Part Issue 

If your Lefant robot vacuum cleaner blinks the red light, then you must identify whether the vacuum has a damaged part or not because a red light always means danger.

Sometimes, when you vacuum debris or rugs, chances are high that some parts may be damaged, including the vacuum roller brush, motor, vacuum pipe, vacuum filter, vacuum sensor, etc.

For this reason, the lefant vacuum’s red light started blinking, and it indicated that there any part was damaged.


To solve this issue, indemnify exactly where the part was damaged. Rotate the vacuum cleaner and find the damaged part area.

After finding the damaged part, purchase a new part and replace the part. If you are facing an issue while replacing the part, then you can call the Lefant Vacuums customer centre for a quick solution.

Full Storage Tank Issue 

Most new vacuum users need to remember to clean their vacuum storage bag after vacuuming the floor. A vacuum storage bag helps to store the dust which you vacuum.

And the bag needs to be cleaned from time to time. When the lefant vacuum cleaner’s storage bag was full, it started to blink the red light.

This red light indicates that your vacuum storage bag is full and it needs to be emptied.


To solve this issue, separate the vacuum storage bag from the vacuum cleaner and empty it gently.

You can use any soft cloth or any soft brush to clean the storage bag. If the vacuum storage bag is washable on water, then you can also clean the storage bag using water for better cleaning.

I want to suggest that you must clean your storage bag after every use of the vacuum cleaner.

Low Charge 

If your Lefant robot vacuum cleaner has a very low charge, then in this case, the red light starts to blink, and the red light indicates that your vacuum cleaner has a very low charge and needs to be connected to the charger.

Here, I mentioned one thing that is if you are using the lefant vacuum cleaner at a low charge, then it will provide you low suction power.


To solve the low charge issue, connect the charger to the vacuum cleaner and leave it for some hours to get a full charge.

Basically, Lefant vacuum cleaners are fully automatic; they will automatically connect to the charger when its battery is low.

If the vacuum does not connect automatically, then you must check the charging dock station.

Filter Issue 

The filter is used to control the airflow into the Lefant vacuum cleaner so that the vacuum cleaner works perfectly.

If the lefant vacuum has an issue with its filter, then the red light starts to blink. Sometimes, hairs and dust are blocked by tiny holes so that it isn’t able to flow the air into the vacuum cleaner perfectly.

Also, if you are using the vacuum filter many times, then chances are high that the vacuum filter is damaged and needs to be cleaned and changed.


To solve the learnt vacuum filter issue, identify why the filter has an issue. If the vacuum filter breaks down and it is very old, then immediately change the filter.

If there are any dust is stored, then you can clean the filter to solve this issue. To clean the vacuum filter, you can use a smooth brush or soft cloth. Don’t clean your filter roughly because the vacuum filter is very sensitive.

Dirty And Damaged Sensor 

As you know, robot vacuum cleaners work with sensors, and those sensors navigate the vacuum to clean the surface.

If the vacuum sensor contains dust, then this problem is happening to you.

Now the question is how you can know your vacuum sensor has an issue. Well, when you flip the lefant vacuum dock charging station, you will notice that two sensors are connected to the charging dock station.

If there are dust is stored in the sensor, then your lefant robot vacuum cleaner starts blinking red light.


To solve this issue, take 3-4 drops of alcohol and use any soft and clean cloth to clean the sensor perfectly. After cleaning the sensors, your problem will be solved.

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Why Lefant Robot Vacuum Blinking Blue Light

Why Is My Lefant Vacuum Blinking Red

Well, the Lefant robot vacuum cleaner shows the purple light without flashing, then it shows that your vacuum is now in charging mode, and when your lefant vacuum crosses 50% charge, the blue light is turned on.

In simple language, when you charge your vacuum cleaner, the blue light indicates that your vacuum cleaner is crossed more than 50%.

Why Lefant Robot Vacuum Beeping 6 Times

Well, if your Lefant robot vacuum cleaner beeps six times, then it mainly shows a charging-related problem. The problem is caused by your vacuum cleaner or your charging dock station.

But the issue must be related to charging. Also, if your lefant vacuum cleaner was beeping at different numbers, then it indicates you have different issues.

Why Lefant Robot Vacuum Not Charging

This issue is faced by most of the new vacuum users. Below, we discuss with you some of the most common reasons why your lefant robot vacuum cleaner is not charging.

  1. If your lefant robot vacuum cleaner has a battery issue.
  2. If it is already fully charged.
  3. If you have any power outlet issue
  4. If your vacuum charger was damaged
  5. If your power outlet produces a large amount of electricity
  6. If your lefant vacuum charging dock station has an issue
  7. If the lefant vacuum charging port was damaged or broken
  8. If dust is blocked, the charging port.
  9. If your Lefant robot vacuum overheated
  10. If any software update is available, you still need to update the software because it is also essential to update your software from time to time to get new features.

Why Your Lefant Robot Vacuum Cleaner Blinking Red Light When Charging

Well, if your Lefant robot vacuum cleaner shows a red light when charging, then it mainly has two things.

The first one is if your vacuum has a full charge or it has a low charge, and the second thing is if your vacuum battery has an issue.

If your vacuum blinks a red light when charging, then you must identify whether the vacuum has a low charge or not. If the vacuum has a low charge, then don’t worry. It will automatically be solved when the vacuum is fully charged.

If the vacuum battery has an issue, then you need to change the battery, or you can repair the battery. Vacuum batteries provide you with a life span of 2 to 3 years.

How To know If My Lefant Robot Vacuum Full Charged?

Why Is My Lefant Vacuum Blinking Red

Well, nowadays, all vacuum cleaners provide you with different light indicators, including purple light, green light, red light, etc. These different lights indicate different signs.

If your Lefant vacuum cleaner continuously shows the green light, then it will indicate to you that your lefant vacuum cleaner is now fully charged. The lefant vacuum needs to be unplugged from the charger.

Similarly, most new vacuum users are suffering from how they confirm that their lefant vacuum cleaner is on charging.

Well, if the lefant vacuum cleaner continuously shows the purple light, then it will show that your lefant vacuum cleaner is now in charging mode.

How Much Time It Takes To Full Charge Lefant Vacuum Cleaner?

Well, It depends on different lefant vacuum models because different vacuum models take different times.

But Lefants all vacuum cleaners take a minimum of 2 hours to 2.30 hours.

If you are buying a new lefant vacuum cleaner, then I suggest that you fully charge your vacuum because it is mandatory.

Some vacuum cleaners reduce their suction power if they have a low charge.


How can you take proper care of your lefant robot vacuum cleaner?

Answer These are some points which help you to take care of your lefant robot vacuum cleaner properly-

First of all, fully charge your lefant robot vacuum cleaner before using it.
Must clean its storage bag from time to time
Don’t use your lefant robot vacuum cleaner over time.
Must clean its sensors from time to time
Also, it must clean its charging dock station
Change or clean the vacuum filter after every 2 to 3 months of use.

How many lights come with a lefant robot vacuum cleaner?

Answer- Basically, a lefant robot vacuum cleaner comes with three different kinds of light indicators, including red light indicators, green light indicators and purple light indicators.

Is it safe to change the Lefant’s battery?

Answer- Yes, it is 100% safe and secures to changing the lefant robot vacuum cleaners battery. Change your Lefants vacuum battery after every one year of use. Because after one year, the battery started to reduce its charging capacity.

How much time is a lefant robot vacuum cleaner continuously running?

Answer- Well, it depends on which lefant model you have. In my case, my Lefant robot vacuum cleaner provides me with 120 minutes of continuous running time if it is fully charged.

Which country manufactures Lefant robot vacuum cleaners?

Answer- Well, the lefant robot vacuum cleaner has lots of features, and this vacuum is manufactured in China.

Can I leave my Lefant robot vacuum cleaner all the time while charging?

Answer- No, it is not okay to leave your lefant robot vacuum cleaner all the time on charging. Yeah, I know it doesn’t affect your battery instantly, but it will affect you slowly. Also, it will affect the performance of your lefant vacuum.

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This article is helpful for you. In this article, I will discuss with you why is my lefant vacuum blinking red and what steps you take to solve this issue. If you like the article, then share it with your friends and other people who have suffered from this problem.

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